Saturday, March 21, 2020

Precautions against Coronavirus (COVID 19)

Corona virus has assumed frightening proportions over the world and is slowly threatening India. We must all come together to fight this dreaded disease. Since there is no vaccine for this disease as of date, the only way to stop the march of the virus is to adopt the techniques as follows: 

1. Strict self hygiene : Was hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 secs when coming from market, work etc as the virus gets transmitted from hands to mouth/face/nose and eyes on touching.

2. After washing hands thoroughly, wash face with soap and water to assure cleanliness. This is my personal view.

3. Wear mask when going out to ensure that airborne particles, virus are restricted from entering nose.

4. Drink lots of hot water (2 -3 glasses in morning) to stay hydrated. 8-9 glasses throughout the day is required.

5. Avoid visiting crowded places, malls, shops, air conditioned rooms, cinema theatres to avoid spread of virus.

6. To increase immunity following techniques from ayurveda and homeopathy can be adopted

Have a kada of turmeric, ginger, tulsi and honey on empty stomach.
Chawanprash to increase immunity. Giloy (2 tablets) to increase immunity

Yoga like kapal bhati and anulom vilom to increase fitness

In India many people have the habit of spitting in public - on the roads, in public transport and also in public utilities like lifts of buildings, staircases and wherever they generally feel like.
 Strict action should be taken against such people by fining them hefty amounts, once evidence of this is collected in the CCTV, as spitting in public is not only a nuisance but can now help in spread of this disease. This is my personal opinion.

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