Monday, March 11, 2019

Do's and Dont's in Case of Nose Bleeding -12/March /2019

Recently my father suffered a case of sudden unexplained nose bleeding. He had been picking his nose rather too hard and after a sudden sneeze was alarmed to find bleeding from one nostril. After wiping it off with a hanky he thought it would stop but it did not and a steady trickle of blood continued. He called my mother for help and she applied an ice pack to the bridge of the nose. He then reclined on the bed so that the bleeding would stop on its own. This I read later is something that should not be done in nose bleed cases as then the blood flows inside and can be dangerous.
When the steady trickle of blood did not stop even after half an hour we decided to seek doctor's help. Father was a heart patient and had to regularly take blood thinners and pressure medication. I was scared that his nose bleed was high due to high bp. Being sunday, most places were closed so we took him to emergency ward of nearby hospital. Thankfully being early in the morning emergency was empty. The young doctor on duty said that he would have to do a nasal packing. It seems they pack the bleeding nose with cotton and some medicines to stop the nose bleed. They gave him a additional pressure medication as his bp was high and a medicine pause to start the clotting process. We took him home after this but had to bring him again in the evening as the bleeding had not stopped. They then gave him injection of pause to stop the bleeding as he had to take the early morning flight the next day to go to Kolkata. The bleeding then stopped and the nasal packing came out on its own the next day. He complained of the treatment of the emergency doctor who he said had caused lot of pain and discomfort during the nasal packing process. He had just shoved the cotton into his nose, not even bothering to apply some gel or medicine. 

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