Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Facebook Effect

I was wondering on the effect facebook posts have on our lives. Of course it is a wonderful technology which allows us to connect with long past, long forgotton acquaintances/ friends and classmates, but also, I sometimes wonder at the jealousy and envy the posts of these long forgotten people have on our psyche. Here I was quite happy of my mundane existance, average looks and drab clothes, when I see my classmate, the same age as I am, post a totally gorgeous photograph where she looks about thirty, in a five star resort, surrounded by family too. It's enough to make me turn green with envy and take a loong doleful look at my paunchline. Did I really need this, or was I happy enough in my 'ignorance is bliss' world. I catch up with the class dunce and find out that they are far richer than I am and at higher posts. Talk of tables being turned. A thing which I find most amusing is that there is a perspective I have now of life, which was absent back then. When I was giving my class ten or twelfth exams, it was dinned in my head by my parents and by peer pressure that I had to perform well in studies, get good ranks, get into an engineering college, almost as if my life depended on it. I did have to put in 7-8 hours of study every day. I did get into engg, got a job, but hey, those that didn't did as well or more, as is evident by their facebook posts. I thought at that time that those that didn't get good grades would probably have to beg on the streets, such was our fear psychosis. But it's all cool now. Like the famous film 3 Idiots message - the importance should not be given on marks, but on real knowledge, and on self knowledge. That should be what is important.

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