Friday, February 1, 2013


It's a well known saying that the real character of a person comes out only when he is faced with failure. So today after the failure it was pretty interesting to see the reactions of the people around me. RoTi is a lucky guy! His system worked just in the nick of time & he got bouquets for it. ASS behaved as if his involvement is minimal. Talk of rats deserting a sinking ship! Even the great Dad himself did not come down to witness the episode after his previous brush with failure he is now wiser and prefers to stay far far away from all these taints in his pretty ivory tower. I felt sorry for Puppy as he had worked the hardest for this and now might be made a scapegoat for the failure. I sometimes feel mad at SOB for being such a cold, polite and emotionless boss. At least sometimes you have got to get strung up about something and at least 'SAY SOMETHING'. But he prefers cold cuts to hot words, which is pretty OK most of the time but how good a leader does that make him. Pretty wimpy I should say, not in the least motivating for the team. Its rather demoralizing than anything. I am not in the know of office gossip but I bet its's discussed pretty threadbare in some circles. I was upset with Ramu for not doing the things as I had directed him to earlier, later I felt I should have let it go, anyway I was feeling rather bitter about it & wanted to vent out some feeling after the event. How beautiful the view was from the terrace of the building! Mole was enjoying it by himself when we all barged into his domain. Being the totally positive guy that he is he ordered tea for us all! This is God's revenge on me for wanting a cold, proper & emotionless boss after Tasi. I don't like Sob at all sometimes due to this, but I guess the scale evens out somewhat when I compare Tasi with Sob.

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