Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Interpersonal politics

I think politics began with the creation of atoms themselves. First there was Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden living a blissful life till the ugly serpent reared its head and cajoled Eve to bite into the sinful apple. So the serpent was the first politician who swayed Eve to do something she had been forbidden. In a friendship between two people there are hardly any misunderstandings, until a third force appears, who for his own motives or even unknowingly distorts the relation between the two, be it ever so slightly. At best it can be a mutually beneficial relation for all, at worst the third person can break the bond between the two prior friends. This is the same thing which happens with molecules. Sodium and Bromine were existing peacefully as sodium bromide till chlorine came along and swept sodium off her feet to form sodium chloride to leave poor bromine standing alone. The forces at the molecular level make for an interesting study at the macro level too. We can characterise people as elements too. Very reactive male- Chlorine, Very reactive female - Sodium, Unreactive person - Noble metal like Helium and so on.

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