Category 1 : Egoistic and selfish, high self esteem. Good talkers with average intelligence, with little morals or emotional empathy : They can motivate people and sway them rather for their own benefit than for others. Unfortunately most people I meet fall under this category with shades in between. When this category of people do something which appears unselfish it should be examined rather carefully for traps and pitfalls.
Category 2 : Egoistic with high self esteem but unselfish and principled, good talkers. They are the friends I want to make, those who will stand by one when the rats desert the sinking ship.
Category 3 : Meek, low self esteem with poor verbal skills and assertivity, What they think or do or morals are does not really matter as they don't often sway people's opinion or get into positions of real power. Such people are easily influenced by others more dominating than them. I like to think that I belong to category 2 rather than 3 although my verbal skills are pretty poor and self esteem sometimes lower than it should be. These are the 3 categories of people mainly though they are shades in between.